Links to Articles and Sites Referring to Time

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The Clocks Ahead will have our own faces - Business Week: August 30, 1999 Department: Cover Story - 21 Ideas for the 21st Century: Time

A Walk through Time - A NIST Physics Laboratory Presentation - The Evolution of Time Measurement

The Time of the Internet - Information and curios, news and notions, Internet sites and services about time measurement.

Plausibility of Time Travel

BIOCLOCKS - The Tyranny of Time - The Economist, Dec. 18 1999.  Health:human bioclocks, understanding the effect on health

Some Sonnets about Time - in Sonnet Central, an archive of English sonnets, commentary, and relevant web links and a forum for poets to share and discuss their own work.



Twinsite 2000

 Lycée Pasteur, Curso Experimental Bilingue, São Paulo - Brazil
Alexandre Giraud - Danilo Machado - Barbara Dieu

Lyceum Berlage, Amsterdam - Netherlands
Walid Alaoui Mdaghri - Saladin Allioui - Enes Geloz - Esosa Izekor - Ismael el Khamsi - Patrick Holmes BB

(c) 2000